Saturday, May 17, 2008

Looks like we've got another girl....

I had my ultra sound last night and the tech informed us that the baby was a girl. Celeste has been praying that God would give her a sister, so when she heard the news she had the biggest grin on her face and said with much confindence "I knew it was a girl".


Anonymous said...

WOW, that is so exciting to hear that you are having another girl! I don't see you (I was going to say "often" but I suppose NEVER!) so even the reminder that you are having another baby is still a shocker! I'm excited to go home and see your new enlarged family!

Kelly Glupker said...

WHAT? You just told me you weren't going to find out!

Our Family said...

I know, I didn't want to! Shawn really wanted to find out, so I let him have his way.

Kim said...


Danielle said...

Yay, I am so happy for you couz!