Saturday, December 19, 2009

We have a tree this year!

Last year we sold our house, moved twice and had a baby all within an 8 week time frame before Christmas. I was so busy and wore out from everything going on I didn't send out Christmas cards and our family didn't even put a tree up. This year we have actually been able to enjoy this holiday season. We put up a very small tree and the kids loved decorating it. Shiloh was adorable...picking out an ornament and shoving into any spot she could reach. As the kids were decorating I remembered how much I loved decorating the Christmas tree when I was kid. Sometimes its seems so strange to watch my kids enjoy doing the same things that I did. Time is just going by so quickly. I can harldy believe that I'm 30 years old and have a family of my own to decorate a tree with!

1 comment:

chodgkiss said...

Awww...your tree is so cute. Thanks for a nice time exchanging gifts tonight; Abigial had fun!!