Sunday, December 11, 2011

Fun Pictures

My friend Lois came by on Saturday and took some really cute newborn pictures of Kodah and some pictures of the girls dressing up. Trevor was to busy helping Dad cut wood to be bothered with pictures:)

Check them out at:


Tammy said...

What adorable pictures!

Ashley W said...

Those are phenomenal! I love Kodah's little chubby arms, he's so adorable. And the pictures of the girls in your dress made me cry, they were SO sweet. Those pictures are special now, but will be especially so when Celeste gets married someday. Beautiful!

chodgkiss said...

Wow!! Haven't been on your sight in a while. You've updated well with the pics of Kodah! Lois did a really good job too. I agree, the pics of Celeste in your dress....priceless. Kodah is a cutie, Jess! Good thing he was worth all the pain and wait, huh?!:) Let me know if you need ANYTHING!!!