Thursday, March 29, 2012

What We Think Is What We Are

I recently started a Bible study that was given to me by a woman with much wisdom. I was excited to start it, because I know anything that she would recommend to me would be a blessing. It's called Secrets To A Happy Heart by Debi Pryde.

I loved what the author had to say.....

What We Think About is What We Are:

How we think, what we think, and what we store in our memory have a tremendous capacity to determine our disposition, our behavior, and our attitudes. What we choose to believe and dwell on is of utter importance, for it becomes a part of all that we are. We eventually act consistent with what we think and what we believe. The more we think about something, the more it becomes part of our memory and personality. We think, then we speak, then we act, and then we become. Yet our thoughts don't stop at what we become, for what we become has consequences, good and bad, and eventually determine our innermost joy or sorrow. In essence, our thought life determines our destiny.

Our Faces Give Away Our Thoughts:
If you could listen in on the private thoughts of a sullen or irritated person, you would discover how unhappy their thoughts are. On the other hand, if you could interrupt the thoughts of an obviously joyful and content person, you would discover their thoughts to be positive and uplifting. Our countenance is merely the outward reflection of what we are inwardly thinking. The Bible says, "A merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance: but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken" (Proverbs 15:13)

This study has been so great for me! I know that I have a CHOICE to be happy in this life that God has given me. I can CHOOSE to think on negative and be unhappy or I can CHOOSE to think on what is true,and pure and lovely and enjoy God's abundant blessings. My thought life will make me or break me. It is up to me to cast out the harmful thoughts that come into my head and to replace them with good! God is so good to me and I have so much to be thankful for!!

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